All Models from Honda Malaysia are RON95 compatible
Petaling Jaya, 26 August 2009 - Honda Malaysia today announced that all models distributed by the company are compatible with petrol RON95 (Research Octane Number 95). The Company announced this following the government's decision to increase the price of RON97, along with the introduction of a more affordable option, RON95, which will replace RON92. The new fuel is available at RM1.80 per litre effective 1st September 2009.
As RON97 is most commonly used, many are doubtful in switching to fuel with lower RON. Honda Malaysia assured all Honda drivers that RON95 should not affect any model distributed by its authorised dealers with the exception of Civic Type R.
"Since 2001, all Honda cars require a minimum RON91, hence, any number above the minimum RON is safe. The switch therefore will not affect the performance and fuel efficiency of the vehicle. Compromisation of performance and fuel efficiency will only occur when the RON is lower than the minimum requirement," said Mr. Toru Takahashi, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Honda Malaysia.
"Except for Civic Type R, of which we recommend RON97 because of its high performance engine. A higher RON will thus produce more power for this performance sedan. Otherwise, the performance and fuel consumption may be affected," he added.
In the event when fuel with lower RON is used, a condition called engine knocking will happen, which will result in reduced performance and fuel efficiency.
In order to prevent engine knocking, all models from Honda Malaysia are equipped with knock sensors. Knock sensors are detectors that signal engine operation to slow down the ignition timing (spark plug action) in case of engine knocking, which would consequently affect the vehicle's performance and fuel efficiency. These knock sensors can also run on fuel with a minimum octane number of 91.
For models distributed before 2001 or distributed by non-authorised Honda dealers, owners are advised to cross check the vehicle's minimum RON requirement by referring to their owner's manual.
For more information, please visit or call 1-800-88-2020 for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What exactly is RON?
RON stands for Research Octane Number, which measures the quality of fuel. It represents the fuel's ability to resist premature & uncontrolled combustion that occurs when fuel pre-ignites before the ignition spark plug.
2. What is engine knocking?
Engine knocking is caused by self-ignition of the fuel or air mixture, which is a result of using RON levels that is lower than the minimum requirement.
3. What is the minimum RON requirement of my Honda Car?
For all Honda cars produced in year 2001 onwards, the minimum RON requirement is 91. Honda cars are equipped with 'Knock Sensors' that detect the octane quality of the fuel used, enabling it to automatically adjust spark timing to prevent engine knocking.
We advice drivers that bought their cars from non-authorised dealers to check their owner's manual for minimum RON requirement.
4. Type-R RON Issue
It is recommended to use RON97 for Civic Type R because of its high performance engine, as it was tested in Japan with RON100 for optimum engine performance. Please note that this engine version with knock control can also run on fuel with a minimum octane number of 91; but performance and fuel consumption are affected as a result.
5. What is a Knock Sensor? Are all Honda cars equipped with Knock Sensors?
A knock sensor is a detector, which identifies engine knocking during spark ignition. When engine knocking occurs, the knock sensor signals the engine operation to slow down the ignition timing that will eliminate the knock, which may result in some power loss.
All Honda cars are equipped with Knock Sensor.
6. What fuel should I use & what RON works best for my car?
As long as the fuel used is not below the minimum RON requirement (RON91), it will be appropriate for all Honda Cars.
7. What is the effect to the engine if petrol of a different RON is mixed together?
As long as the fuel meets or exceeds the minimum RON required by the engine, mixing is fine & should not damage your engine. (except Civic Type R, recommended RON97). However, do note that different fuel brands come with different levels & types of additives, so mixing different fuels may not provide the optimum performance & efficiency for your vehicle.
8. Do I have to always pick the highest octane rating petrol for my vehicle?
Anything above the minimum RON requirement, which is RON91 for all Honda cars will be appropriate. (except Civic Type R, recommended RON97).
9. Will there be a reduction of fuel efficiency & performance with the use of RON95 from RON97?
The efficiency & performance will not be affected if the car uses above its minimum requirement RON which is RON91 for all Honda Cars. (except Civic Type R, recommended RON97). Loss of power & fuel efficiency will only occur when the minimum RON requirement is not met as the knock sensor signals the engine operations to retard its spark timing to eliminate engine knock.
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